(I) Post colorcom chlorsulfuron absorbetur a fronde aut radix ratio zizania, potest esse ad totum corpus plant. In mechanism de actione involves inhibitionis acetolactamase, ita impedit synthesim ramosis, torquem amino acida, valine et leucine, et cellula division.
(2)Colorcom Chlorsulfuron is employed in the field of cereal crops to prevent and eliminate broad-leaved weeds and grass weeds, including pigweed, abutilon, field spinach, field thistle, buckwheat creeper, motherwort, dogweed, ryegrass, early morning glory, small root garlic and so on.
Item | Res |
Species | Albus granular |
Formulation | XCV% TC |
Point liquescens | 180-182 ° C |
PRAETERITUS | 180-182 ° C |
Densitas | 1.6111 (aspera estimate) |
Index refractive | 1.5630 (estimate) |
Storage Tempus | 2-8N ° C |
Package:XXV kg / peram vel peto.
Storage:Store ad ventilari, siccum est.
Effectus Latin:Latin.